Mindful Tech 01: free inspirational desktop & phone wallpapers

Free tech wallpapers for desktop and mobile phones that include inspirational “mantras” including I am worthy just as I am, You got this girl, bring it, I was born to do this.

When I started Brand Spanking You, I had a notion that the blog would be an intersection of business and personal growth & wellness.

Business, because I’m a branding expert; I’ve been doing this work for many years, and believe strongly that spot-on branding and visual storytelling can take your business to unimaginable heights. And personal growth & wellness, because I’m passionate about always finding ways to improve myself. Whether that’s through food and the things that fuel me, or mindfulness and working on managing my brain. (It’s also why I love working with healthy foodie and wellness entrepreneurs!)

I’ve found that the two go hand and hand.

The more I push myself in business, the more I uncover the opportunities for me to grow as a human being. The more I grow as a human being the more I want to push myself in business (and every other aspect of my life for that matter.) So Brand Spanking You has double meaning: Building a brand that’s uniquely you, and becoming a brand new version of yourself.

One of my favorite practices is choosing thoughts to think/believe on purpose instead of letting my brain just go into old patterns and thought loops. You know what I’m talking about- the ones that say you’re not good enough and don’t know what you’re doing. It’s helpful for me to write these new thoughts out, and even have them stuck onto my computer or in my planner. But why not take it one step further…

As a busy entrepreneur, I’m sure you find yourself spending an inordinate amount of time on your computer and phone.

So why not use that to our advantage and add a few of those inspiring “on purpose” thoughts right to your screens! It’s what I’m calling “Mindful Tech.” (Maybe there’s a better name?? I’m open to suggestions…) These were so fun to do- tapping into my surface pattern and graphic design background. And these first four feature some of my favorite mantras right now: You Were Born For This, Bring It, You Got This Girl, and I Am Worthy Just As I Am. I’ve also been inspired by all the springtime flowers showing off in Los Angeles right now, so I included some fresh colors and florals.

Download the wallpapers by clicking below. Totally free for you to enjoy- you don’t even have to sign up for the email list. I’d love to know which one is your favorite though- let me know in the comments below!

Free tech wallpapers for desktop and mobile phones that include inspirational “mantras” including I am worthy just as I am, You got this girl, bring it, I was born to do this.
Free tech wallpapers for desktop and mobile phones that include inspirational “mantras” including I am worthy just as I am, You got this girl, bring it, I was born to do this.
Free tech wallpapers for desktop and mobile phones that include inspirational “mantras” including I am worthy just as I am, You got this girl, bring it, I was born to do this.