How to stand out from the competition with Brand Positioning

There are many elements that go into building a stand-out brand, but arguably one of the most important pieces is Brand Positioning.

Don’t be scared by this fancy term.

Brand positioning is really just aligning your unique strengths with your target audience's wants and desires. And yes- this is a very simple explanation of what positioning is, so in this post, I’m going to break down some of the various parts and pieces that go into 1) knowing what your unique strengths are, and 2) aligning them with what your audience wants and desires.

By understanding and implementing these steps, you'll be well on your way to standing out in the marketplace and forging powerful connections with your customers. Get ready to make your mark and create a brand that leaves a lasting impression!

Brand Positioning Step 1: Get to Know Your Target Audience Inside Out

When it comes to getting inside the minds and hearts of your target audience, surface-level demographics will only take you so far. It's time to dig deep and uncover the juicy insights that will fuel your brand positioning strategy. Step into their world and explore their motivations, fears, and aspirations. What makes them tick? What values do they hold dear? What are their wildest dreams and deepest desires? By putting yourself in their shoes and truly understanding their needs and wants, you'll gain a powerful advantage.

And this intimate knowledge becomes the rock-solid foundation upon which you can build brand positioning that not only meets their expectations but also resonates with them on a soul-stirring level.

My hot tip if you have been in business for some time already, is to think of 1-2 ACTUAL clients or customers of yours that were an amazing fit. OR a combination of past clients or customers that make up an ideal mix of your perfect customer.

And if you want more help defining and getting to know ideal customers, check out this post: Most customer avatar exercises suck. This is what to do instead.

Brand positioning Step 2: Analyze the competitive landscape

If you really want to stand out, it's crucial to analyze your key competitors and their positioning strategies. Understanding them is the key to carving out your own space in the market.

This is where a keen eye and a strategic mindset become your secret weapons. You’re not looking at the competition as rivals or adversaries, but rather as sources of inspiration and opportunity. Study their every move, and dissect their strengths and weaknesses.

How do they communicate their unique selling points? Who are they targeting? And most importantly, where do they fall short?

By analyzing the competition with a discerning eye, you'll uncover hidden gems – those untapped gaps, opportunities, and unmet needs where you can differentiate yourself and your brand can shine. YOUR brand sweet spot.

Brand positioning Step 3: Define your unique value proposition

Your Unique Value Proposition- or UVP- is the core of your brand positioning. It communicates what sets your brand apart from the competition.

Defining your UVP starts with getting to know your target audience inside and out (which you’ve already done in step 1!) Then, you’ll dive into the problem you solve like a superhero on a mission.

Identify the specific pain points your audience faces and how it impacts their lives or businesses. This laser-focused understanding will fuel your ability to create a solution that hits the mark.

Now- here's where the magic happens – highlight what makes your solution one-of-a-kind. Is it a groundbreaking feature, a revolutionary approach, or simply an unmatched level of quality? Whatever it is, shout it from the rooftops and let the world know why your brand is the ultimate choice.

But don't stop there. Your UVP needs to showcase the benefits your target audience will reap by choosing your solution. How will their lives be transformed? What value will they gain? Paint a vivid picture of the outcomes and results they can expect, leaving no doubt in their minds that you're the real deal.

Now, it's time to bring it all together. Craft a compelling statement that combines the elements we've uncovered – your understanding of the target audience, the problem you solve, your unique solution, and the benefits they'll experience. Make it clear, compelling, and oh-so-memorable.

Remember, your UVP is not set in stone. It's a living, breathing entity that should evolve as your brand grows. You’ll continuously refine and test your Unique Value Proposition (just like your positioning) to ensure it captures the attention and interest of your ideal customers.

Brand positioning Step 4: Align your brand's personality and values for impact

Let’s agree right now that when it comes to branding, being true to who you are (or who your business is) is the name of the game. So you want your brand positioning to be an authentic reflection of your brand's personality and core values.

First, get crystal clear on your brand's personality traits and values. (This is a BIG thing I take clients through when creating their Brand Blueprint.)

Are you bold and adventurous? Reliable and trustworthy? Maybe you're all about sustainability and making a positive impact on the world. Whatever it may be, make sure these qualities shine through in every aspect of your positioning strategy. A great place to start with Brand Personality is by choosing a Brand Archetype. Read more about my take on Brand Archetypes here.

This Brand Personality should be woven like a seamless thread from your messaging to your visual identity, connecting all the dots of your brand, and creating a recognizable and trustworthy presence.

When your brand's positioning aligns effortlessly with its personality, magic happens.

Your audience feels a deeper connection, like you're speaking their language. They resonate with your brand on a visceral level because they sense the authenticity in your every word and action. It becomes a relationship built on trust and shared values.

And let's not forget, consistency breeds familiarity. When your audience encounters your brand across different touchpoints, they recognize you instantly, like meeting an old friend. That's the power of alignment.

So, as you craft your brand's positioning, always keep your personality and values at the forefront. Let them infuse every word, every design choice, and every customer interaction. Be true to yourself, and your audience will be drawn to you like moths to a flame.

Brand Positioning Step 5: Harnessing Emotions and Aspirations

Emotions play a significant role in consumer decision-making.

Craft your positioning in a way that resonates emotionally with your audience. Tap into their desires, aspirations, and pain points so you can position yourself as the solution they've been longing for. Creating a bond that goes beyond transactions, and an audience that’s not just customers, but passionate advocates who will sing your praises from the mountaintops.

Paint a vivid picture of how your brand can be the missing piece of the puzzle for your customers, the key to unlocking their aspirations and making their dreams a reality. Speak directly to their emotions, whether it's the sense of belonging they crave, the achievement they yearn for, or the joy they long to experience. Craft a narrative that tugs at their heartstrings and stirs their soul.

This is where Brand Storytelling can be a powerful tool. To dive deeper into crafting your own Brand Story, read From Blah to Badass: Unleash the Power of Brand Storytelling to Skyrocket Your Small Biz Marketing Game

Step 6: Challenge conventions and embrace unconventional thinking for brand differentiation

Conventional thinking won't cut it in a world hungry for innovation and originality.

To truly differentiate your brand, it's important to think outside the box and challenge norms. So go ahead- break the mold, be bold, embrace creativity, own your niche, and let your brand's uniqueness shine through!

Unconventional brand thinking requires a special mindset because you must be willing to go where others fear to tread, embrace the unknown, venture into unexplored territories, and explore unconventional strategies that set you apart.

This is a time to let your imagination run wild so you can discover new ways to position your brand. It will be scary, and you will fail sometimes but think of those risks and failures as stepping stones to greatness. Embrace them with open arms and see where they take you.

By breaking free from the shackles of convention, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities and your brand becomes a beacon of uniqueness and intrigue.

And if you need a little help coming up with ideas, I’ve got ya. Check out this post: 10 Writing Prompts to inspire unconventional Brand Positioning & strategy


Remember, creating compelling brand positioning is an ongoing process. You’ll continuously refine your positioning based on so many things like market dynamics, new product development, and customer feedback. But just stay nimble and adapt your strategy accordingly.

By investing time and effort into developing strong brand positioning, you can captivate your audience, differentiate your brand, and pave the way for long-term success.

And if you want some help figuring this all out, book a “Brand Blueprint”! It’s the ultimate brand strategy service that will revolutionize your business.

With a "Brand Blueprint" in your hands, you'll gain unrivaled expertise, strategic wisdom, and actionable steps to set you apart from the competition. Learn more here.

The future of your brand begins now. Let's embark on this exhilarating journey together.


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sarah ehlinger standing outside in front of a black steel balcony. She's wearing a white sleeveless sweater top and yellow pants. She's placing a white fedora style hat on her head and looking at the camera

Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for global companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering entrepreneurs & small business owners with tools and services that transform the way they build their brands and businesses.