Transform your business (and life) with these 6 types of journaling.

Journaling is a great practice that can transform your business and life. And there are so many kinds to choose from! Gratitude journaling, manifestation journaling, transformational journaling, brain dumps, and more.

Journaling is my FAV practice for shifting my mindset and creating really big things in my life and biz. BUT... this is not your "Dear diary" type of journaling. no sir. I have a menu of different styles I choose from, and I try to journal just about every day. Having different types of journaling keeps things interesting for me + gives me options for when I have just a little bit of time to journal, and when I have more time to write and write.

Transformational journaling

This style of journaling uses prompts to free-form write without overthinking, censorship or editing. Great for connecting more deeply with yourself, hidden beliefs, and desires. Examples of prompts would be writing about what your perfect day would be, a letter from your future self who has already figured out the challenge you're currently facing, or making lists of all the things you're currently curious about and how you might pursue them.

Thought downloads

This is also be called a brain dump and is basically emptying your brain of all your misc thoughts and worries.

Helpful if you're feeling particularly overwhelmed or anxious. GET. IT. OUT

Affirmations & New Beliefs

Those thought downloads or insights from transformational journaling? You can take them and turn them into affirmations and new beliefs that you want to rewire your brain with.

For me, this usually looks like bullet points. I keep an ongoing list of 3-5 that I write over and over every single day until I feel like I'm embodying the new belief.

Inner Voice conversations.

A question and answer style of journaling where your "mind" asks questions of your inner voice, inner being, intuition- whatever you want to call it. When "answering", let your mind go blank, and try to feel or hear your inner voice communicating from your gut or heart. It's typical to get only a 1-2 word answer when starting this practice. And once you get an answer just keep asking "why" or "explain more" to get to the deeper layers of your inner knowing.

Manifestation Journaling

This style also can also look like a bulleted list. Are there things you'd like to call into your life? Write about these things as if they've ALREADY happened. And as you're writing FEEL how you would feel as if they did. I also have a handful of these I will write over and over every day.

Gratitude Journaling

The studies on gratitude journaling are clear: it's a fantastic practice for boosting your mood and mindset. I do mine a bit differently though. I like to shift it to appreciation though. With this method, I can pick any thing or event in my life (even the not so good stuff) and focus deeply on what I appreciate about it.

A couple more tips:

Don't overthink it. You can also take all of these styles and combine them to make something that's completely unique to you.

I also love taking any of these and making bullet lists- it's a great way to just get started with journaling. AND you don't have to fill a whole page. If you've only got a few sentences in you that day, THAT'S FINE!

I also think it helps to have notebooks and pens that you really enjoy writing in and writing with. Find your favorite tools!

Alright! I hope this helps, and I can't wait to hear how journaling goes for you! Comment below, or shoot me a DM over on Instagram to start a convo!


Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for billion-dollar companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering online coaches and experts with tools that help them build businesses aligned with their values and lives, not the other way around.