Skip the Miracle Morning routine, and create a morning ritual that works for you.

Successful entrepreneurs use morning routines to kickstart their day and hit big goals. But what actually makes up a good morning routine? One you’ll actually do. So skip all the miracle morning advice, and create a morning routine that works for yo…

I want you to throw everything you've ever heard or read about a morning routine out the window.

Elite athletes and top business professionals site morning routines as being a key secret to their success. But what actually makes a good morning routine... Whatever the f*ck you want it to be. That's right. Throw out that Miracle Morning BS if it doesn't work for you and get on a new morning routine train.

Listen, I don't like to brag, but I'm kind of the morning routine queen.

Last year, I actually did a 6-week experiment where I spent 5 hours each morning (yep you read that right) figuring out all the things that would get me super jazzed and in alignment for the day.

Chances are, you already have a morning routine and you just don't know it yet. Because the #1 thing you need regarding anything in your routine is INTENTION.

So... (drumroll please) here's a list of some of my fav morning routine habits. Have a read and then get cracking on creating your own routine. Because seriously- your morning routine should be as unique as you. Not just one more thing you "should" be doing but don't really have the heart for.

Things you're already doing that could actually become part of your morning routine:

  • making your bed

  • making coffee

  • picking out fun clothes or makeup that boost your mood

  • taking your dog (or yourself) for a walk

  • Taking a bath or shower (yep, that too!)

The key, again, is intention. Are you rushing through those things just to get your day started?

Anything you do in the morning that you put extra attention and presence into in order to align your spirit and set yourself up for success is a "buffer" between waking and entering the flurry of daily activities. That's why making your bed or taking a shower with presence can become a sacred act of setting an intention for the day.

The morning routine platter

My morning routine consists of a platter, or menu of different things I can choose from depending on my mood, or the level of mental support and alignment I need on any given day.

Here are some of the things on my platter:

Personal Development

Reading: This is the time of day I find it easiest to read and engage with non-fiction books. Business, Marketing, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Mindset, and neuroplasticity are topics I love in the morning

Listening: Podcasts, Audiobooks, Abraham Hicks and the like YouTube audio, and lately- uplifting Clubhouse rooms.


Journaling: I have 5 or 6 different "types" of journaling to choose from. Most of them focus on creating new beliefs, tapping into my inner knowing, putting myself in the shoes of my future self, and manifestation.

Meditation: Long, short, guided, or not depending on my mood. I've used the Calm app, Insight Timer, and Binarial beats playlists on Spotify and love them all.

Activity or Creative Engagement

Exercise: This is VERY difficult for me, so I only commit to 10 minute chunks. If I want to keep going after 10 min, great! If not, I still succeeded.

Anything that engages my hands and/or the creative part of my brain: Gardening, sewing, drawing or coloring in adult coloring books, and iPhone photography are the things I engage in the most.

Wrapping up

I don't do all of these EVER on the same day. Sometimes my routine is 10 minutes. Sometimes it's 3 hours.

My brain craves flexibility and freedom- maybe yours does too!

And a morning routine platter gives me just that. For me, it always comes back to intention and getting into alignment before I dive into the work that has to be done for the day.

Was this helpful? Let me know by commenting below, or shoot me a DM on Instagram. I love having convos over there!


Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for billion-dollar companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering online coaches and experts with tools that help them build businesses aligned with their values and lives, not the other way around.