Are you blocking the flow of abundance in your biz?

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I have this concept that I think about a lot, when I'm over-complicating things, or being ridiculous, as I'm prone to do, I'm prone to do that. I'm prone to be ridiculous. And it's actually, it's more of a visualization, and it's this idea of, what I say to myself is, you want this to be open palm, open your palm. You want this to be open palm. Let me explain. I have this idea where things are like closed palm. I'm talking about your hand, your palm of your hand, close palm or open palm. And I feel like for a really long time, I was doing things, I was in such a hurry, in such a desperation to make things work and make things happen, that I was actually running around with a closed fist. But actually, it's more like a closed fist than an open palm.

So I had this closed fist, it was just holding on to things so tightly, trying to control everything with this closed fist. And the problem with a closed fist is, that there's no room for magic. There's no room for flow, there's no room for ease, there's no room for anything. Just imagine that, it's just like tight, and hard, and unwavering, and that's not what I want. That's not what I want out of life. That's not what I want out of my business. So I always go back to this visualization of the open hand, the open palm. And when I feel that clenching, or that striving, or that frustration and desperation, I come back to that. It's like, how can I open my palm in this moment? How can I open my palm to this situation? How can I open my palm to the things that I can't control and just let other things flow in?


Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for billion-dollar companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering online coaches and experts with tools that help them build businesses aligned with their values and lives, not the other way around.