How to get out of your own way and create content with ease.

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Okay, so let's talk about roadblocks and the roadblocks that our brains put up for us.

So I have been saying for months, longer than months, a very long time, I've been saying, "I just want to use my voice. I just want to use my voice. I just want to get this stuff out there." And instead of doing that, I have been hemming and hawing over, "Do I want to have a podcast? Should I be sending more things out to my email list," which I have been. And I love that. I love having that long-form writing space where I can share more deeply with people.

I do love that, but at the end of the day, what happens is throughout the course of my day, these things pop into my head that I just want to talk about. I just want to talk about them. And then I jot those ideas down, or I come back and I do a voice memo, and I put them into some big elaborate system that I have in my Milanote boards for my content, and thinking like ... I mean, it's a mountain of ideas in there for content, but nothing ever happens with them because what I really want to be doing is this. I just want to jump and talk. And I haven't been allowing myself to do that. And even though you would say like, "Oh, it's so easy just to get on Stories and talk," for whatever reason my brain is going like, "No, I don't want to show up that way." I'm putting a roadblock up to doing that.

And it's been difficult for me, and it's held me back. So what I was thinking about this morning in regards to these voice memos is just make it easy. And that's my message, just make it easy. Take away all of the roadblocks. So if I'm already doing something like this, creating a voice memo, I'm just going to use the voice memo. I'm just going to use the voice memo and see what happens, and see if that can help me and help my brain shepherd me into a new space and a new way of sharing and showing up and doing the things that I actually want to be doing, but haven't been doing.


Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for billion-dollar companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering online coaches and experts with tools that help them build businesses aligned with their values and lives, not the other way around.