How to stop comparing yourself and start getting inspired

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She was talking about having a... Creating a template arm of her business. I was saying to her, "I think it's great. Go for it. Do it," and that it wasn't weird for me to tell her to do that because in my mind, it's not competition because there's room for everybody. She has her own aesthetic and her own people that she'll be serving and I have my own aesthetic and my own people that I'm going to be serving. So there really isn't competition. It's just creating more space and more value and more service for more people in the world.

So the other thing I'll say about that is comparison. So I think competition and comparison go hand in hand. So a lot of times, and I certainly am a victim to this, victim to myself for this, that I start looking around what other people are doing and I get into this comparison loop and I really start to feel bad about myself. I really start to feel bad about what I'm doing, what I'm creating, what I'm saying, how I'm showing up, because my brain likes to tell me that everybody else is doing it better or cooler or smarter. That just isn't true.

So what is true is that it is fun to look around and see what other people are doing and make connections just like I did this morning with Christina. Whenever I catch myself in that comparison loop, what I want to do what I'm working on doing is flipping it, and flipping it to something that is more about inspiration. So being inspired by what other people are doing, being almost like egged on by what other people are doing. It's a really fine line, but I think it's an important distinction to make. I think that's where competition and comparison sit side by side.

So if I'm competing with all these other people out there that I'm seeing, if I'm competing with them, of course, I'm going to start comparing myself to them and feeling like shit. Whereas if I'm celebrating and lifting them up and contributing to a world where we all have value to bring, then I can be inspired by what other people are doing versus comparing myself to them and feeling like I'm falling down somehow.


Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for billion-dollar companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering online coaches and experts with tools that help them build businesses aligned with their values and lives, not the other way around.