Mindful Business: creating more ease and flow as a solopreneur

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Something that's really changed my business, but that I have a hard time ... I don't have a hard time talking about it. It's easy talking about it, but I have a hard time explaining it because I don't want it to be misinterpreted, and it's this notion of ease in business. What I mean by that is, I think, I want to give the message that things can be easy. Things can be easy and fun and done our own way, and once you embrace that, it just, well, it makes everything easier. It makes business more fun, things flow.

But I think that because social media is such a soundbitey type of place, I think people interpret that as, "Yeah, pour yourself a martini, kick back, work one hour a day or two days a week, and call it ... you're done. Swish. Success." But that's not actually what I'm talking about, because the thing is, as you know, there's making things hard, or there's business that's challenging, and business is challenging. It's the best challenge you can ever give to yourself.

But then there's also ... So that's hard challenge, but then there's also hard hustle, and hard hustle was a cycle that I was in for years. It's a cycle that I see so many other people in, too. What I mean by that is just running around, doing a bunch of shit that you don't actually want to be doing, you don't actually need to be doing, it's not appropriate for your business, and at the end of the day, it's not getting you any results. Like, none. You're getting no results from the running around and making things hard.

The only reason why you're doing it is because you think that ... or at least this is how it was for me, I thought that if I just followed the advice in the courses, or if I just did the things that I saw other, quote, unquote, successful online people doing, then I would be successful, too. But the thing that I was never taking into account, that none of us is ever taking into account, is that none of those people are me, and none of those people have my priorities and my values in their heart like I do.

Once I re-evaluated that and reassessed that, I realized that I could take little nuggets from all of these things and all these people that I was learning from because it's all solid, good advice. But just because I bought the full course, doesn't mean I need to follow it to the letter. Maybe there was something in module three. Maybe there was a five-minute video out of 30 hours of training, who knows? Maybe it was just five minutes that unlocked something for me, that gave me an idea that put me on a different path.

I don't need to mess around with the other 29 hours of bullshit, trying to make that work for me when it doesn't. All I needed was that five minutes. That five minutes of advice that unlocked something, that gave me more ease. So that's what I'm talking about when I talk about ease. How are you setting things up for yourself and your own business to create more ease? How are you doing things your own way? How are you doing things like, yes, be challenged, make it the challenge of a lifetime, but also, challenge yourself in a way that's aligned with what you want.


Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for billion-dollar companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering online coaches and experts with tools that help them build businesses aligned with their values and lives, not the other way around.