Permission granted to show up messy as hell in your business


Let's cut the crap.

You don't have to have a 5 hour morning routine (unless you want to), hit a home run 100% of the time with your products, have 3 months of marketing batched, or read 10 business books per week on Blinkist to be a successful entrepreneur.

In fact, once you embrace your imperfections and just start taking action- messy as it might be- THAT'S when things begin to shift. Because that's when you're in it and you're learning, stretching, and growing.

Those entrepreneurs that look like they have a perfect life, everything's figured out and their farts smell like Santal 33? Nobody's life or business looks like that all the time, love. Probably not even most of the time.

Heck, you can even get to the point where the messy stuff gets fun. You look forward to making mistakes and doing things your own weird way.

And oddly... this messy, silly, imperfect version of you starts to inspire others in ways you couldn't have dreamed of.

So to inspire you to show up with imperfect action, here are some unexpected ways I show up behind the scenes:

I've never been able to get a planner to work for me

I write my schedule and to-do lists out on loose-leaf pieces of printer paper that I frequently misplace or accidentally throw away.

I'd love to have a bangin' planner or organizational system, but this janky version seems to keep me the most productive. So I'm sticking with it for now.

I'm not consistent on social media

I go months at a time without posting on social media or my blog.

I used to beat myself up about it, but now I recognize the need for taking mental health breaks- especially from social media. And when I do, I can show up with hella levels of value when I'm ready and feeling it.

My morning routine is whatever I want it to be.

I don't stick to a pre-set morning routine. The structure of doing the same thing every single day doesn't work for me and doesn't set me up for success. So I have a platter or menu of things to choose from so I can do whatever the F I want each day. And sometimes that means intentionally skipping it altogether. (Read more about my morning routine here.)

My digital file organization system is kinda non-existent

I've created a dropbox situation that's basically 10+ year-long black hole of unorganized digital files. At this point, it would probably take me another 10 years to try to wrangle it.

So I hope you feel a little less alone

Why did I share all this?

To let you know it's ok for things to be or look messy. I see you. Keep going. You've got this. And trust me, this is just the stuff I'm willing to share. We all have messy parts. That doesn't make us any less successful or any less worthy. DM me over on Insta- we can have a whole convo about taking action, even if it looks messy.


Meet Sarah

Sarah is an award-winning Designer, Creative Director & Brand Strategist for billion-dollar companies turned entrepreneur. She’s passionate about empowering online coaches and experts with tools that help them build businesses aligned with their values and lives, not the other way around.